Pregnancy is often marked by the appearance of nausea, dizziness, being late for menstruation, or becoming more sensitive breasts. However, some women experience rare signs of pregnancy.
Many women are often confused whether they are pregnant or not, because they do not recognize the signs of pregnancy. Some rare signs of pregnancy are considered shameful for some women. In addition, these signs of pregnancy are also rarely known, so it helps you try to recognize any signs of pregnancy that rarely happens. We recommend that you do not hesitate to tell your doctor to ascertain whether the signs of pregnancy are still classified as normal.
Signs of Pregnancy That Are Still Classified as Normal
To recognize further, below are some of the rare signs of pregnancy, but you may experience.Sweating often
In certain cases, pregnancy can be marked by the appearance of excessive sweating in several parts of the body, such as in the armpits, groin, stomach, or face. This condition is influenced by the performance of the body's metabolic system and pressure in the blood. To deal with it, do not use clothes that are thick and difficult to absorb sweat, and drink plenty of water.
Snore while you sleep
Another rare sign of pregnancy is snoring during sleep. This happens because the mucous membrane that swells and makes the nose clogged. As a result, you breathe through your mouth and snore. To stop it, it is recommended that pregnant women sleep on their sides or use nasal drops before going to sleep to facilitate breathing.
Spit it out often
During pregnancy, women can produce three to four liters of saliva per day due to the influence of hormonal changes that occur in the body. This is why you often spit. In addition to spitting, you can try to reduce the saliva by consuming water with lemon juice.
Swollen foot
In certain cases, a woman's feet during pregnancy may swell due to a buildup of fluid in the body that occurs during pregnancy. These rare signs of pregnancy are generally only noticed when your shoes feel cramped and uncomfortable to use. Don't force yourself to use narrow shoes. Better to buy new shoes with a larger size.
Bleeding gums
Hormonal changes during early pregnancy cause more blood to flow into the gums and oral cavity. This can make the gums swell and be more sensitive. To avoid bleeding gums, you can brush your teeth twice a day using a soft toothbrush.
The voice became hoarse
Changes to hoarseness can also occur in early pregnancy. The change in sound occurs because the hormones estrogen and progesterone cause swelling in the vocal cords. If you experience this condition, you don't need to worry. Your voice can return to normal conditions within a few months or after your baby is born.
Heart palpitations
In the first trimester of pregnancy, you can feel an irregular heartbeat and faster than usual. This is caused by an increase in blood volume that occurs drastically and forces the heart to work harder. In this condition, your heart rate can increase 10 to 15 times every minute.
Flu and dizziness
Your immune system will weaken when you are positively pregnant. This condition can cause you to easily catch colds, coughs, colds, dizziness and other complaints that will interfere with daily activities. Flu during pregnancy can also occur due to increased blood production causing mucous membranes in the nose to swell, dry, and even bleed.
You may experience vaginal discharge during early pregnancy, as a rare sign of pregnancy. This condition can be annoying because it requires you to change clothes frequently. So that this condition does not cause infection, make sure you always maintain the cleanliness of your sex organs regularly and use pads so that you don't change your underwear too often.
Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy can also disrupt the digestive system and cause constipation. Usually the emergence of this condition is characterized by flatulence, difficulty in bowel movements, and constipation. To reduce this, you can eat more often with small portions, or avoid the consumption of foods that contain gas such as broccoli, cabbage, corn, and soft drinks.
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